여성에게 1.5년이란 '평생하는 머리손질'
The Korea Times 2014-02-20 09:34
여성이 평생 동안 자신의 머리를 손질하는데 1만4,000시간을 쓰는 것으로 조사됐다. 19일 영국 일간 데일리메일은 한 설문조사 업체의 조사결과를 인용해 여성들이 평생 동안 머리 손질에만 1년 6개월을 쓴다고 보도했다.
1만4,000시간은 빗질, 세척, 건조와 함께 미용실에서 머리를 자르거나 파마, 컬링 등을 하는 시간을 모두 포함한 것이다. 1만4,000시간을 바꿔 말하면 여성들은 평생 동안 총 1년 6개월의 시간을 머리 손질에 쓰는 셈이다.
여성은 일평생 남성 때문에 머리를 준비하는데 2년을 보낸다고 밝혔다. 또 여성의 89%는 남성이 헤어드라이이로 말린 불륨감있는 머리카락에 매력을 느낀다고 생각하는 것으로 조사됐다.
여성 10명 중 9명은 유명 연예인들의 헤어스타일을 보고 영감을 받는다고 답했다.
가장 탐스러운 헤어스타일로는 킴 카다시안이 36%로 1위를 차지했고, 몰리 킹(16%), 비욘세(14%)가 뒤를 이었다. 최악의 헤어스타일로는 마일리 사이러스와 브리트니 스피어스가 30% 이상의 지지를 받아 뽑혔다.
설문을 진행한 헤어리햅 설립자인 로렌 포프는 “여성들이 매일 머리카락 손질에 얼마나 긴 시간 공을 들이는지 알고 놀라웠다”며 “좋은 머리카락을 갖는 것에는 많은 시간이 필요 없다”라고 말했다.
그는 “이번 조사에서 여성의 65%는 5년간 헤어스타일을 변경한 적이 없다고 대답했다”고 덧붙였다
Women spend 14,000 hours lifetime on hair
British women spend an average of 14,000 hours taking care of their hair during their lifetime, that's over one and a half whole years of brushing, washing, blow-drying, straightening, curling and cutting, the Daily Mail reported.
And the reason?
To attract men. A staggering 89 percent of the women think men find them most attractive when they have a big, bouncy blow-dry; arguably the most time-consuming style.
But it seems the ideal man-pulling hair isn't an achievable everyday look, with over 30 percent of women admitting they settle for sleek and straight as their go-to do of choice.
The poll also asked where women get their hair inspiration from, and 90 percent said they look to celebrity locks.
Kim Kardashian was voted as having the best hair, garnering 36 percent of the vote, followed by Mollie King (16 percent) and Beyonce (14 percent).
Miley Cyrus' double top-notch and Britney Spears' shaved head were voted the worst celebrity hairstyles, both receiving 30 percent of the vote.
TOWIE star Lauren Pope, founder of Hair Rehab London, which commissioned the survey, said: “It's astonishing to hear how long women spend on their hair each day. Having great hair needn't take very much time.”
Celebrity hairdresser Mark Hill says this season is all about the up-do. And the good news? It is super easy to do yourself.
“A staggering 65 percent of us haven't changed our hairstyle in five years!
“A key trend for hair this season is the power-plait, and it couldn't be easier to achieve,” he said.
If that's too complicated, Mark says the sleek pony is also a hot trend this season.
He said: “Simple, sleek pony tails have been seen all over the catwalk this season.
“Release your inner supermodel with this up-do, and prove once and for all that this hair trend should no longer be banished to the gym!”
Lauren Pope has provided some nifty time-saving hair tips, to ensure you're always happy with your locks, no matter how little time you have to play with them.
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