2013-11-29 16:54 The Korea Times(밑에 한글 기사 꼭 읽어 보세요)
98-year-old 'scrooge' leaves rich legacy worth $200 mil.
When he spotted a bargain price on frozen orange juice one year, Jack
MacDonald bought so many cans that he had to purchase a new stand-alone freezer
just to hold them all.
He clipped coupons, wore sweaters with holes in them to make people think he
was poor and took a bus ㅡ not a cab ㅡ to the University
of Washington when he attended an alumni luncheon in his later years.
only a tight circle of family and friends knew that MacDonald was nurturing a
secret fortune. When he died in September at the age of 98, he left in his will
a $187.6 million charitable trust to Seattle Children’s Research Institute, the
University of Washington School of Law and the Salvation Army, the Seattle
Times reported.
It is the largest philanthropic gift in Washington state this year, and the
sixth largest in the country in 2013, Children’s officials said.
“I thought of him in many ways as a gentle giant,” said Doug Picha, president
of the Seattle Children’s Foundation, who was a friend of MacDonald’s for 30
years. “He was tall, very shy, very understated, humble. You would never have
known that he had great wealth.”
Although he left 40 percent of his fortune to Seattle Children’s, MacDonald had
no children of his own.
He was born in British Columbia, grew up in Seattle and worked for three
decades as an attorney for the Veterans Administration, since superseded by the
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Over the years he supported hundreds of causes with smaller donations,
including $536,000 to Children’s and anonymous gifts to a small town in Canada
where his parents are buried.
At the same time, he was working to build a much larger trust to leave as his
legacy, investing funds from money his parents left him from profits they’d
made in their business, MacDonald Meat Co. in Seattle.
When it came to picking stocks, “he was amazing,” said his stepdaughter, Regen
Dennis, of Utah. “He didn’t trust a lot of other people to do his research; he
directed what he wanted bought, and he really knew what he wanted.”
He also knew exactly where he wanted the money to go: to Children’s, because
his mother, Katherine, was a longtime fundraiser, with roots going back to the
hospital’s early years; to the UW law school, where he earned his law degree in
1940; and to the Salvation Army, because his father, Frederick, worked closely
with many blue-collar workers, Dennis said.
“He was very, very loyal to his parents’ wishes,” she said.
Over the years, MacDonald sent about $150,000 ㅡ
anonymously, at first ㅡ to the little village of Elora,
Canada, where his paternal grandfather lived after emigrating from Scotland.
관련 한글 기사
억만장자임에도 평생 검소하게 살아 주변에서 ‘스크루지 영감’으로 불렸던 미국의 90대 노인이 2000억 원에 달하는 유산을 자선단체에 기부하고 세상을 떠나 감동을 주고 있다. 시애틀타임스는 26일 미 워싱턴주 시애틀에서 지난 9월 98세의 나이로 별세한 잭 맥도널드(사진)가 평생을 모아온 1억8760만 달러(약 1988억5600만 원)의 공익신탁금이 그의 유언에 따라 시애틀아동연구기관, 워싱턴대 법대, 구세군 등 3개 자선단체에 각각 기부될 예정이라고 보도했다. 맥도널드의 이 공익신탁금은 올해 워싱턴주에서 기부된 금액 가운데 가장 많으며, 미국에서도 6번째로 많은 금액이라고 시애틀아동연구기관은 전했다. 맥도널드는 평소 팔꿈치에 구멍이 난 스웨터를 입고 꼼꼼하게 할인쿠폰을 모으는 등 검소한 생활을 고집해 ‘스크루지 영감’으로 불렸다. 노쇠한 몸을 이끌고 대학동창회에 갈 때도 택시가 아닌 버스를 탔다. 이 때문에 주변인들은 모두 그를 ‘가난한 노인’이라고 오해했을 정도였다. 캐나다 브리티시컬럼비아에서 태어난 맥도널드는 미 워싱턴대 법대를 나와 30년간 재향군인관리국의 변호사로 일하면서도 수백여 자선단체에 익명으로 기부하며 남몰래 선행을 베풀어왔다. 그는 부모로부터 물려받은 유산과 개인적으로 모은 재산을 위탁하기 위해 대형 공익신탁기관을 세웠고, 이후 증권중개인을 고용하는 등 신탁금에 대한 지속적인 투자와 관리를 하며 재산을 불린 것으로 알려졌다. 현지언론에 따르면 맥도널드는 독신으로 살다, 56세 때 두 딸을 홀로 키우는 매리 캐서린 무어를 만나 늦은 결혼을 했다. 현재 미 유타주에 살고 있는 의붓딸 리젠 데니스가 새 아버지에게 많은 재산이 있다는 사실을 알게 됐을 때 “왜 더 좋은 집과 좋은 차를 사지 않냐”고 묻자 맥도널드는 “있는 그대로가 행복한 법”이라고 말했다고 데니스는 전했다. 데니스에 따르면, 맥도널드는 자선단체 모금 일을 했던 그의 어머니의 뜻을 기려 아동단체에 신탁금의 40%가 전달됐으며, 노동자들과 함께했던 아버지를 기념해 구세군에 신탁기금의 30%를 남겼다. 또한 자신이 나온 워싱턴대 후배들에게도 장학금을 주고 싶다며 세 개의 기부단체를 선정했다. 그는 캐나다 온타리오주 엘로라마을 그의 부모 곁에 함께 묻혔다. |
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