숙면을 취하는 6 가지 방법
The Korea Herald Published : 2014-03-06 18:02Updated : 2014-03-06 18:02
깊은 밤, 뒤척이는 피곤한 현대인들을 위해 미국과학잡지 ‘파퓰러사이언스’가 6가지 숙면을 취하는 방법을 소개했다. 미국 아리조나주, 메이요클리닉 불면증센터의 지도교수인 버니 밀러와 인기 있는 웹사이트 ‘라이프해커’의 테사 밀러가 말하는 숙면의 팁이라고 전했다.
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최적의 숙면환경은 무덤처럼 어둡고, 조용하며 선선해야 한다. 그들은 컴퓨터가 없는 것이 중요하다고 강조했다. 컴퓨터 스크린에서 나오는 푸른 광선은 생체리듬에 관여하는 호르몬, 멜라토닌 분비를 방해하기 때문이다. 또한, 밤이 되면 컴퓨터 스크린의 푸른 광선을 낮춰주는 프로그램, 플럭스(f.lux)를 다운로드 받거나 암막커튼을 치는 것도 좋다.
2. 규칙적인 생활
“주말에도 지켜지는 규칙적인 생활은 일주기리듬을 강화시킨다”고 ‘파퓰러사이언스’는 말했다. 규칙적인 취침, 기상시간을 위해 아이폰 앱, ‘더 나은 나(BetterMe)’를 다운로드 받는 것도 방법이라고 전했다. 이 앱은 핸드폰 알람의 스누즈버튼을 누를 때마다 페이스북에 그런 상태를 게재해주는 앱으로, 망신당하지 않으려고 아침에 일찍 일어나게 될 것이다.
3. 계획적인 낮잠
낮잠을 꼭 자야 한다면 정오 12시부터 오후 4시사이에 30분정도만 자는 것이 좋다. 한 심리학자가 개발한 ‘사라 메드닉의 온라인 낮잠 표’(Sara Mednick’s online nap wheel)을 이용해 본인에게 가장 잘 맞는 낮잠시간을 찾는 것도 효과적이다.
4. 방해요소 제거
정오 12시 이후에는 카페인을 섭취하지 않는 것이 좋다. 카페인은 약 5시간 정도 효과가 있을 수 있으며 최대 14시간 동안 체내에 남아있을 수 있기 때문이다. 연구결과에 따르면 정신이 또렷해 지기 위해서라고 푸른빛의 램프나 컴퓨터스크린에 노출시키는 것이 카페인을 섭취하는 것 보다 더 효과적이다.
5. 운동
잠들기 4-6시간 전에 운동을 하는 것이 높아진 체온 때문에 잠들지 못하는 불상사를 막을 수 있다고 한다. 해외에서 유행하고 있는 ‘걷는 책상’을 설치하는 것도 하나의 방법이다.
6. 텔레비전 대신 책
텔레비전 앞에서 잠드는 것은 숙면을 저해하는 안 좋은 습관이다. 텔레비전에서 나오는 인공적인 빛이 체내시계가 오작동 하게해서 깊은 잠을 방해한다고 했다. 텔레비전 대신 일반 책이나 전 전자책(e-book)에서 야외모드로 글을 읽는 것도 효과적인 숙면을 취하는 방법이다.
(코리아헤럴드 하지원 인턴기자 jiwonha@heraldcorp.com)
<관련 영문 기사>
6 ways to get a better night’s rest
Between the hustle and bustle of busy days, many people experience shallow sleep and fatigue. To help those people who want to get a good night’s sleep, Popular Science reported a set of tips from sleep experts Bernie Miller, supervisor at the Sleep Disorders Center at Mayo Clinic, Arizona, and Tessa Miller at the how-to site Lifehacker.
1. Make your bedroom “right” for sleeping
The ideal bedroom should be like a tomb: dark, quiet and cool. They emphasized on the importance of computer-free environment as blue-spectrum light from the computer screen limits the production of melatonin. Suggested ways are to download f.lux that makes digital screens less blue at night and to add thick blackout fabric to the back of curtains.
2. Maintain a regular schedule
“A regular schedule, even on weekends, reinforces natural circadian rhythms,” Millers said. To establish a regular bedtime and waking time without using the snooze button, an iPhone app called BetterMe is a trick to help. It posts to Facebook every time you hit snooze on your phone’s alarm clock. The public shame will get you up in the morning.
3. Take strategic naps
If you must nap, limit it to 30 minutes between 12 noon – 4 p.m. to not to interfere with regular sleep cycle. “Sara Mednick’s online nap wheel,” made by a psychologist, suggests the best times to nap.
4. Cut caffeine
Try not to drink caffeinated drinks after noon, as it has a half-life of around five hours and may remain in the system for up to 14 hours. If you must stay awake, try exposing yourself to a blue-hued lamp or screen as studies have shown that they boost focus and accuracy better than caffeine.
5. Exercise
Working out at least four to six hours before bed is the best time to work out as the increased body temperature may keep you awake. A treadmill desk could be helpful to integrate regular exercise habits with your daily schedule.
6. Yes to reading, no to TV
Falling asleep in front of a glowing television can disturb the body clock due to the artificial light. If you do watch TV, set the sleep timer to turn off well before bedtime. Reading a real book or on a non-light-emitting e-reader such as Kindle will help you to get some shut-eye.
By Ha Ji-won, Intern reporter (jiwonha@heraldcorp.com)
6 ways to get a better night’s rest
Between the hustle and bustle of busy days, many people experience shallow sleep and fatigue. To help those people who want to get a good night’s sleep, Popular Science reported a set of tips from sleep experts Bernie Miller, supervisor at the Sleep Disorders Center at Mayo Clinic, Arizona, and Tessa Miller at the how-to site Lifehacker.
1. Make your bedroom “right” for sleeping
The ideal bedroom should be like a tomb: dark, quiet and cool. They emphasized on the importance of computer-free environment as blue-spectrum light from the computer screen limits the production of melatonin. Suggested ways are to download f.lux that makes digital screens less blue at night and to add thick blackout fabric to the back of curtains.
2. Maintain a regular schedule
“A regular schedule, even on weekends, reinforces natural circadian rhythms,” Millers said. To establish a regular bedtime and waking time without using the snooze button, an iPhone app called BetterMe is a trick to help. It posts to Facebook every time you hit snooze on your phone’s alarm clock. The public shame will get you up in the morning.
3. Take strategic naps
If you must nap, limit it to 30 minutes between 12 noon – 4 p.m. to not to interfere with regular sleep cycle. “Sara Mednick’s online nap wheel,” made by a psychologist, suggests the best times to nap.
4. Cut caffeine
Try not to drink caffeinated drinks after noon, as it has a half-life of around five hours and may remain in the system for up to 14 hours. If you must stay awake, try exposing yourself to a blue-hued lamp or screen as studies have shown that they boost focus and accuracy better than caffeine.
5. Exercise
Working out at least four to six hours before bed is the best time to work out as the increased body temperature may keep you awake. A treadmill desk could be helpful to integrate regular exercise habits with your daily schedule.
6. Yes to reading, no to TV
Falling asleep in front of a glowing television can disturb the body clock due to the artificial light. If you do watch TV, set the sleep timer to turn off well before bedtime. Reading a real book or on a non-light-emitting e-reader such as Kindle will help you to get some shut-eye.
By Ha Ji-won, Intern reporter (jiwonha@heraldcorp.com)
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